Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Quinton!

Sunday, August 31st, Quinton turned three years old.  Hard to believe this little guy is growing up so fast.  Having endured the terrible two's, we're now anxious to move past the terrible threes.  It's not that Quinton is terrible.  He's just three.  You know, his mind is developing, he tends to know what he wants but struggles to articulate that to Mom or Dad.  If he wants something, he'll grab you by the hand and with such determination, he'll drag you to the fridge, or the TV, or whatever it is that he needs your help with.  He is in love with SpongeBob Squarepants and we always keep episodes on the DVR in the event his need for SpongeBob doesn't coincide with the programming schedule.

For his Birthday, he received this household's third copy of Guitar Hero.  He loves to strap the guitar on and follow along with his brothers.  We threw together an impromtu party at our house following Spencer's Court of Honor where he received two rank advancements and 9 marit badges.  It was a proud night.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The Schroader family, est. 1992, live in the North West Valley of Maricopa County, Arizona in a nice town called Surprise.  We seemed to have been planted here after having been uprooted from our home in Murray, Utah where we started our family.

Bonnie and I have five wonderful children, Cassie, Spencer, Kaleb, Joshua and Quinton.  Life around our house does seem to be pretty hectic with Marching Band, Golf Team, Scouts, and School.  Add to that Bonnie's ambitions in running for a position in the school district's governing board, or my new career as an Internal Quality Auditor, and you have a pretty busy home.

However, when everything is said and done, we often reflect on just how blessed we are to have such a wonderful family and to be in such a wonderful place as Surprise Arizona.  We've made good friends and have had wonderful experiences.

Starting a family blog will be a neat way for us to share with others our experiences.  We hope you enjoy being a part of those experiences.